Monday, February 26, 2018

What Do You See?

It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see."
~ Henry David Thoreau

I sometimes think that we spend so much of our time looking at things - our cell phones, our e-mails, our Facebook, our TV shows - that we never actually see the world we're living in. How many of us make it a priority to take a few moments throughout the day and see the gifts all around us (and we don't even need Wi-Fi to see it). It's all free.

Sure, I know, you're just too busy. Your To-Do List is endless. Trust me when I tell you that the day will come when time is all you have, when the job is done, and the kids are gone, and you suddenly find yourself with more years behind you than in front of you. That's when you finally stop to see what has been there all along and ask yourself, "How could I have missed all of this?"

So take a few minutes today just for yourself and really see your world. It is only mid-morning as I write this and so far I have seen more geese on their way home (a sign that spring is almost here, I hope); two blue jays playing tag; that feisty older man with his bright orange cap doing his version of a jog (he's 80 if he's a day but he certainly puts me to shame ); the man that walks 5 dogs at one time and somehow manages never to get twisted up in the leashes; the clouds breaking up to reveal the blue sky that will dominate the rest of the day (if the weather folks are right); all the yellow school buses carrying their precious cargo. When I go for my walk later, I will set the intention to not only look at my world, but to see it, and everything in it. I want to remember all of it and carry it with me throughout the day.

So what are you looking at today?

And so it is.